Art Locator
If you are in search of a particular print, painting or artist's work, we will provide research services to help find and procure the artwork. This is a valuable service that can save you time and often money.
Corporate Framing & Art Services
Let FRAMED NKY meet your corporate framing and art procurement needs, while protecting your bottom line. Improving your company's work environment by adding art to the walls improves morale and your corporate image. We are eager to show you what we can do in this area. Call today to set up a consultation.

Framed Art
Frame Your TV
Corporate Art Design

Don't Miss
Our Grand

Featured Artists
Beverly Erschell
Paula Wiggins

Now Carrying Sculpted Jewelry by Ginny Powers
We can locate art and artists from original art to prints and reproductions, let us help you find art on any budget. Want an artist to create something unique for you? We can help you find the right artist to do that too!